Awards and Recognition
Grammy Award nomination plaque for the Stravinsky recording
New York City Mayor Koch's letter for the Bernstein 70th Birthday Concert at Lincoln Center
Dvorák Day Concert: Congratulatory Letter from The Czech Embassy
New York Times
Dvorák Day Concert article, September 1997
New York Times
Stravinsky Centenary Concert article, December 1981
Flyers and Programs
Designed by HE/NY Board President, Peter Hollander:
Gershwin Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors August 1987
Handel 300th Birthday Concert Alice Tully Hall, February 1985
Historic Dvorák Day Concert program. September 13, 1997
Classical Recording Foundation program Carnegie Recital Hall, September 2004
Contact HE/NY: Ph: 212-222-6684
This website and all content copyright 2008-2017 Harmonie Ensemble/New York Website Design:
Canfield Design Studios, Inc.